Mad Max Run
Each year in the midwest in both Indianapolis and Milwaukee a group of marauders come together to form what is known as the "Mad Max Run" adorning their bikes and themselves with everything you could need to survive the apocalypse. Being that we've been preaching that vintage Japanese bikes are a solid starting point for your Bug Out Transportation. We thought it would be fun to share with you some of the men and women of the Mad Max Run who are already one step ahead of the game.
The bikes range everything from vintage Japanese, British, American and even some Russian bikes with sidecars, street bikes and also dirt bikes. The run doesn't discriminate and we love that, it's all about taking whatever you've got and making it apocalypse ready with a little nod to George Miller's (mad max's director) vision in mind. Riders find their style from either past film characters or even other events characters such as the "Wasteland Weekend" that happens on the west coast (sort of the Burning man festival for people with Mad Max cars and motorcycles).

Both the Indianapolis and Milwaukee runs stretch across the urban areas of the city and the industrial surrounding areas making pit stops in a few abandoned places for blowing off some steam hooligan style. Please enjoy some photos of the past few years of the ride and take note for if you need to "bug out" your bike any time soon!
Photos by Mike Vandegriff